Radiation island gameplay
Radiation island gameplay

The world building is delightfully anachronistic, asking players to dispatch bears, crocodiles and what look like undead US Civil War generals using an arsenal of machine guns, boomerangs, flintlock pistols and everything in-between. I’m a sucker for military pseudoscience and Radiation Island doesn’t disappoint – it’s a game filled with giant tesla coils, magnetic fields, disappearing battleships and zombies. I do feel like the game’s story is a missed opportunity. Ultimately, this means that all combat encounters create a degree of tension which wouldn’t exist in a more polished game. Melee combat on the other hand is nearly broken, with a mixture of unpredictable collision detection and fast enemies which ensure that no battle can be finished unscathed. Aiming is automatically locked to enemies with a press of the Y button, so the challenge lies not in lining up the perfect shot but instead having enough bullets to keep yourself safe. Nothing in this game comes cheap, which is a sobering reminder especially to survival mode players, for whom death means losing all their items.Ĭombat is somewhat unwieldy, but it’s a fitting means to the end the game wishes to achieve. This means the player never gets to feel entirely safe: they’ll always be wary of when their axe will break, or when their pistol will run out of ammunition. While this looks like a paltry penalty compared to other titles which feature permadeath, in practice the punishment is repetition: the game’s crafting system follows a strict hierarchy and losing something advanced like a bow and arrow can lead to a tedious chain of resource gathering before the player can rearm themselves for more exploration.

radiation island gameplay

If the player dies in Adventure mode, they lose the item they had equipped when they died. Survival mode is harsher, with faster-ticking hunger meters and more hostile wildlife, coupled with stricter penalties for dying to create an experience filled with tension. Adventure mode is the default, and has the player balancing out hunger and ammunition as they power through the island. Even though lots of assets are repeated, there is a distinct character to each of the game’s various zones which makes exploration a real treat in this mode. Easy mode turns the game into something akin to Proteus or Dear Esther – wild animals are no longer hazards and you can’t die of hunger, so the game is reduced to finding the notes, shutting down the towers and enjoying the scenery along the way.

radiation island gameplay

The game’s three difficulty modes offer distinct modes of play.


The goal is to reach a series of tall Tesla Towers and deactivate them using codes found while exploring, lifting the radioactive field and allowing the protagonist to return to the world proper. Food sources are plentiful at the starting location and so the player never feels like they’re in direct danger until they wander deeper into the island, where they will begin to encounter both hostile wildlife and the living dead. Radiation Island has these, and very solely has these – it’s devoid of the bells and whistles that other survival games like Don’t Starve or Minecraft bear, and as a result feels both more focused and more accessible. The key tenets of a survival game are such: inventory management, crafting, managing multiple health meters and moving about an unknown, unpredictable landscape. It’s a cheap title with serious bang for your buck, offering a huge world to explore and some surprisingly tense thrills throughout. From indie developer Atypical Games, Radiation Island is a game of exploration and crafting in a hostile environment: in the wake of a military experiment gone wrong, a soldier is trapped on an island with no supplies and no way out.

radiation island gameplay radiation island gameplay

Radiation Island is a survival game the same way that Dead Island is an RPG – it’s not the finest example of its genre, the execution can be a little less than pristine at times, and yet at its core lies a compelling gameplay loop which makes the whole experience worthwhile.

Radiation island gameplay